Monday, May 28, 2007


When I die I want to feel like I lived a fulfilled life. Before I die I want to encourage as many people as possible to seek the knowledge and truth that will paint a path to happiness.

"The Four Agreements" reinforced qualities that were already etched within, and dormant within this physical body I occupy.
The Four Agreements reinforced the common principle always do your best. This belief inspired me to take the risk to express my dreams. I have realized that taking action is about living life to its fullest and expressing the person that I am. Many people try to do their best for one reason: reward. I have learned that I should do my best and take action because I love it, not because I expect a reward. When you go through life without expecting your actions to be rewarded, you enjoy every action, and you can receive even greater rewards than you imagined. I have learned I don’t need the acceptance of others. I have the right to be myself, and express my own individuality by living and by life and myself.
Being impeccable with my word is way of life, not an occasional occurrence. I have learned being true to my word can lead me to personal freedom, success, and an abundance of happiness. I have found that what I say and what I do can change me, as well as the people around me, in a positive or negative way. My aspirations as an individual manifest through my power of words. What I dream, what I feel, and who I really am is revealed through my word. This virtue has led to an unbelievable amount of trust between me and everyone I encounter on a daily basis. In this world, people will trust you unless you give them reason not to. People often assume this power of truth is not as important as I stress, or when they need this power they will use it. These people are mistaken, being impeccable with your word is something that must be done day, after day, after day, otherwise the lack of consistency is simply hypocritical and flaws the individual furthermore.
I believe this next agreement goes hand in hand with be impeccable with your word. This personal agreement is do not make assumptions. As people go through life, they learn about certain people, cultures, and principles. After obtaining some knowledge or hearing someone else’s opinion they often make assumptions. This book has taught me to get to know others as clearly as possible to avoid misunderstanding which ultimately leads to sadness. There is no reason to assume anything or anybody should be a certain way. If we try to change them, this means we don’t really like them, hence causing pain. All of the sadness and drama I have experienced throughout life originated by making assumptions, and taking things personally. Without assumptions, the world would be a better place. Making assumptions can be related to the common cliched phrase; “don’t judge a book by its cover”, because the cover is usually misleading.
The hardest, yet most important agreement to me is don’t take anything personally. Taking things personally is the greatest expression of selfishness because we make the assumption that everything is about “me”. When you don’t take things personally you can never be hurt by what other people say or do. I refuse to take things personally because it makes me vulnerable to people that practice hate. These monsters can grab your attention with one little opinion, and feast on your emotions. I have learned that what other people say and do is the expression of their own world and reality. As long as I stay immune to their negativity, I won’t be a candidate for unnecessary suffering. As long as I don’t take anything personally, I am achieving personal freedom. No one can negatively affect me, regardless of how strong their words or actions may be. Through this power I can achieve an infinite and ongoing amount of personal freedom and happiness


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